Tidy Up

The Kastle Keeper concept of Tidying Up always begins asking older adults “What possessions in your home truly bring you joy & happiness.” Professionals actively listen while clients share their memories, interests and what makes them happy. Kastle organization and tidiness always by category rather than by each room or space in your home.

Our Kastle philosophy is centered around the individuals, their desires and what creates joy in their lives. The goal is not to declutter your house or make it look neat and clean for visitors. The purpose is about designing the type of “Kastle” you want to live in fitting your ideal lifestyle. Clients communicate this vision through stories, drawings, pictures or even magazines and movies. Emphasis is to cherish what you have and the opportunity to learn from possessions you pass on or let go.

Tidying by category:

  1.  Clothing
  2.  Books
  3.  Paper & Legal Documents
  4.  Art & Valuable Heirlooms 
  5.  Health & Beauty
  6.  Tools & Utility
  7.  Electronics

The finishing ideal elements of Kastle Tidying Up Services:

  • Keep
  • Donate
  • Sell
  • Pass On/Share

This vision and process remains the same regardless where our clients may transition or currently reside. As adults grow older, many options are available based on their lifestyle & needs.  Kastle Tidying Up services fit older adults at different stages of their lives. Regardless of the type of living arrangements, Kastle Keeper can professionally transition older adults in the following residencies:

Residence Types:

  • Age-In-Place Home Living
  • Assisted & Supportive Living Communities
  • Independent & Continued Care Retirement Communities
  • Memory Care Communities
  • Health & Rehabilitation Facilities

© 2024 Kastle Keeper LLC

Contact Information:

Phone:  630-470-0825
Email: Care@KastleKeeperLLC.com